Blog Post Article Submission – Terms and Notice

Thank you for your interest in submitting a blog post article to We welcome contributions from individuals who are passionate about studying abroad, higher education, and related topics.

Abroaad’s Blog Post Article Submission – Terms and Notice.

To ensure a smooth and efficient submission process, we kindly request that you carefully read and adhere to the following terms and notices:

1. Original Content: All articles submitted must be original and not previously published elsewhere. Plagiarism or copyright infringement is strictly prohibited. By submitting your article, you confirm that it is your work, and you grant the non-exclusive right to publish it on our platform.

2. Relevance: Please ensure that your article is relevant to the themes and subjects covered on We primarily focus on topics related to studying abroad, choosing the right university, scholarship opportunities, student experiences, career development, and international education trends.

3. Length and Format: Articles should be a minimum of 1,000 words and preferably no more than 1500 words. We recommend using headings, subheadings, and bullet points to enhance readability. Additionally, please provide a brief author bio (maximum 100 words) at the end of the article.

4. Language and Tone: All articles must be written in English, with a clear and engaging writing style. We encourage a friendly and informative tone that resonates with our audience of aspiring international students and education enthusiasts.

5. Citation and Referencing: If you include any statistics, facts, or direct quotes, please ensure proper citation and referencing. Provide the source of information within the article or in a separate reference list at the end.

6. Editing and Modifications: reserves the right to edit your article for clarity, grammar, and formatting, and to ensure compliance with our editorial guidelines. We may also make minor modifications to the title and headings to align with our SEO strategy.

7. Promotion and Copyright: Once your article is published on, it becomes the property of, and we reserve the right to promote it on our website, social media platforms, and other channels. However, you will always be credited as the author of the article.

8. Acceptance and Rejection: Submission of an article does not guarantee its acceptance for publication. Our editorial team will review each submission and assess its suitability based on quality, relevance, and adherence to our guidelines. We will notify you of our decision within a reasonable timeframe.

9. How to Submit: To submit your article, please use the article submission form by clicking the button below. We only accept articles with 1 (one) featured image in high-resolution JPG, JPEG or PNG format. If your article includes plenty of images, graphs, or charts, please consider rewriting your article.

We appreciate your interest in sharing your expertise and experiences with our readers. We look forward to receiving your article and working together to inspire and inform aspiring students on their educational journey.

If you have any questions or require further clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at